Maestro 56  är avsedd för Long Range. Italiensk handverk som den är bäst.

Säkra sjöegenskaper, komfort en klass för sig för större sälskap, även under långa turer. Klassisk och tidlös design håller länge.

Apreamare Line / Maestro Range

The project of Maestro 56′, launched in 2011 in collaboration with the Zuccon International Project for the interior and exterior design and with Marine Design & Service of Umberto Tagliavini for the hull lines and the technical project, was developed at an early stage on the specific desire to find a synthesis between the features and stylistic elements that have historically characterized the Maestro line.


Maestro 56″ confirms some of the choices of design and function already used in previous boats: maximum transparency to ensure a close relationship between exterior and interior, the use of vertical windows as connotative element of naval tradition and the choice of both volumes of hull and of the superstructure, which ensure an high degree of comfort.

Standing out from the crowd!


The identity of Apreamare boats is one-of-a kind.

The classy touch is up to you: the color of the external design to  customize the traditional or unconventional style of your boat.


2 * VOLVOPENTA IPS2-950 power 725 mhp / 533 kW at 2350 g/min


VP D4 270 Maximum speed 370n.m.

Cruising speed 400n.m.

11 knots 520n.m.


IPS 950 Maximum speed (at full loaded displacement)30 knots

Cruising speed25 knots

Main size

Overall length       17,22 m. 56 ft. 6 in

Hull length             17,20 m. 56 ft. 5 in.

Lg = waterline length   14,07 m. 46 ft. 2 in.

Max. beam 5,25 m.17 ft. 3 in.

Depth (boat fully laden) 1,46m. 4 ft. 9 in Displacement unladen 27,8 ton. 61289 lb.

Displacement laden 33,8ton. 74472 lb.

Max.number of persons on board 12 Navigation category CE 2003/44B  Certification modulesB R.I.Na.

Tecknikal data

Hull type : 16° of deadrise.

Warped hull with spray rails

H max= Overall height from keel to hard top 5,47m.17 ft. 11 in. H t =

Minimum transport height from kee l4,82m.15 ft.  10 in.

Fuel tanks capacity 3300lt.872 US gals.

Water tanks capacity 520lt.137 US gals.

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Med Apreamare sedan 2005