Ny Pardo GT 52 är en kombionation från öppna walkaround Pardo och Endurance. Bra komfort i alla väder, även här i Norden.

Modern Pardo design med förskepp och sjöegenskaper.

Premiär på Düssedorf or Miami 2022

Pardo GT52

combines the best of Pardo Yachts walkaround and Endurance range.

Appealing to a group of owners looking for weather-protected areas for extended stays without sacrificing performance

or outside relaxation areas.

Traditional Pardo modern design with distinct hull lines and

the inverted bow make the Pardo GT52 the newest addition to the growing Pardo Yachts lineup.  

Coming to Miami Spring 2022


OVERALL LENGTH:        54,39 FT
MAXIMUM BEAM:         16,27 FT
FUEL TANK:                    530 GAL
WATER TANK:                160 GAL

OPT. VOLVO IPS 2X700 - 2X800

Följande texter är från importören i Australien och New Sealand 2022.

A perfect combination between aesthetic and marine character

Space, luminosity, elegance and comfort. Marco Gugnoni from the Technical Office of Cantiere del Pardo explains the choices behind the development of a yacht designed from the outset for luxury cruising: "The innovative concept of the Pardo GT stems from an idea to create a convivial boat that could best connect the interior (the sheltered area) with the exterior, i.e. the sea. The boat features innovative solutions that maximize the comfort of life on board and the ease of use in every moment of the nautical routine."

The naval architecture, with proportions and profiles that link the marine character of the boat to its aesthetics and safety: "The external line alludes to an updated Pardo family feeling, with clean lines that communicate the tendency to a comfortable but at the same time sporty navigation and suitable to sail the sea safely. The deck layout is the result of a meticulous study that allows you to enjoy every single moment on board without compromise. As far as the interior layout is concerned, what stands out is undoubtedly the flexibility of choice between an open space with galley and a real salon on the main deck connected with the external cockpit. The master cabin is spacious and bright, with a bathroom complete with every comfort, proving the completeness of an environment that combines elegance with the daily needs of guests. An idea derived from the high maritime expertise that Cantiere del Pardo boasts, to make customers experience the sea in all its spaces and make the sailing experience satisfying even for the most ambitious owner, thanks to the different options offered. We can therefore say that we have fully embraced a concept where the aesthetics of the forms is never separated from its marine function."

The Pardo GT 52 will be positioned between the Walkaround and the Endurance range, appealing to a segment of owners looking for even more spacious and comfortable volumes than the current walkaround models - but without sacrificing performance.

For Managing Director Peter Hrones, the Pardo GT 52 is one of the most exciting new models to enter our range, "We have a close relationship with the factory at Cantiere del Pardo and we have been keeping the GT range a secret since our partnership began in early 2020. When I saw the official plans, I was glad to see chose vertical windows, a suggestion I made because it won't be a hot in our climates, you get the feeling of more interior space when at the wheel and a more distinctive look. What I really love about the GT52 is that the cockpit is huge and with the free flowing saloon you end up with approximately 30 feet of one level entertaining space. The GT range will be ground-breaking for Australia and New Zealand, the cabin is ideal for our weather conditions and the Italian styling and design choices are sure to capture the hearts of our local boaties. We cannot wait to bring this elegant and sophisticated model downunder."

The latest challenge from Pardo Yachts

The new 52-footer's central element to its design is based around the continuity between the interior and exterior spaces, as already seen on board the Endurance 60: side stern windows which rise upwards, stern doors which can be opened completely and the roof in semi-open mode. A complete reorganization of the spaces also offers a wider usability for the cockpit, with a dining area and extended sunbathing areas, as well as a more generous and flexible 'liveability' below deck. This is due to two optional interior layouts (galley up or galley down) each of which transforms the perception of space, enhancing the time spent on board especially during long distant cruising.

"It is stimulating to imagine life on board the Pardo GT 52 considering these two layout options in the living area" - says Massimo Gino from Nauta Design. "On the one hand, a solution with a large kitchen close to the guests in the cockpit and with a large relaxation area with TV on the lower deck; on the other hand, a super-equipped kitchen and a very large dinette lounge on the main deck."

52 feet of authenticity

Clean, unmistakable hull lines, with the inverted bow typical of the Pardo Yachts family, with an exterior layout that emphasises the relaxation areas. On the GT 52, three people can be comfortably accommodated on the bow sundeck, and another eight can be accommodated in the stern area, seated around the dining table, which can be transformed into a second sundeck. Also in the stern area, the bridge is 60 cm longer than that of the Pardo 50, allowing the owner to place, lower and recover the tender or the jet ski due to the practical electric system.

These design choices underline the attention to detail paid to the space available for guests, as confirmed by the Zuccheri Yacht Design studio: "The hull of the Pardo GT 52 is an evolution of that found on the Pardo 50, in which also shares the Volvo Penta IPS motorization (2x650 in the standard version, or 2x700/800 as optional). Apart from this choice, the two models have substantial differences in terms of internal volume, weight distribution and centre of gravity. The GT 52 has the engines displaced further towards the stern to give more space to the cabin plan: the engine room and the main weights have been completely revised to balance the boat in the best possible way, despite the modifications made. The hydrodynamics have been revised, taking into account the greater weight created by the cabin plan - clearly wider - and by the closed superstructure, as well as by the more important interior furnishings compared to the Pardo 50."

365 days of comfort and design

The interiors of the GT52, as on every Pardo yacht, are designed to provide an experience between comfort, functionality and to provide ability to travel long distances with guests on board. Every square inch has been designed with the idea of creating living spaces that are typical of a luxury apartment.

Starting from the master cabin with increased volume and rotated with the head bed oriented on the side to ensure better circulation in the cabin, connected to a large bathroom with shower at the bow. Followed by the VIP cabin with bathroom and the crew cabin. As already mentioned, the architecture of the spaces allow two layout options: galley up and galley down. With the first one, it is possible to have a lounge area with TV or a third cabin with a bunk bed on the lower deck level, with the second one, the square of the dinette is even bigger and the kitchen below deck is even more equipped for use even in non-summer weather conditions.

A cross-over that enhances the pleasure of life at sea"

The innovative solutions of the GT 52 are evident, as Massimo Gino of Nauta Design explains: "The Pardo 52 GT represents the cross-over between a walkaround and a classic cabin cruiser. The lounge on the main deck is protected by the superstructure and can be completely opened towards the stern, the door of the lounge and the two aft windows make it possible to put the latter in direct connection with the large and functional cockpit, or to separate the lounge from the outside by creating an internal area that can be conditioned or heated depending on the conditions. In the top there is a large sliding canopy to always have optimal ventilation. The sidewalks go up to the deck level to create a very large flush area for relaxation in the bow, with a large sundeck in the middle of the deckhouse. Due to the flush deck, important volumes are gained in the bow interiors: the master area benefits enormously from these volumes with a comfort that is rarely found on boats of this size."

A perfect combination between aesthetic and marine character

Space, luminosity, elegance and comfort. Marco Gugnoni from the Technical Office of Cantiere del Pardo explains the choices behind the development of a yacht designed from the outset for luxury cruising: "The innovative concept of the Pardo GT stems from an idea to create a convivial boat that could best connect the interior (the sheltered area) with the exterior, i.e. the sea. The boat features innovative solutions that maximize the comfort of life on board and the ease of use in every moment of the nautical routine."

The naval architecture, with proportions and profiles that link the marine character of the boat to its aesthetics and safety: "The external line alludes to an updated Pardo family feeling, with clean lines that communicate the tendency to a comfortable but at the same time sporty navigation and suitable to sail the sea safely. The deck layout is the result of a meticulous study that allows you to enjoy every single moment on board without compromise. As far as the interior layout is concerned, what stands out is undoubtedly the flexibility of choice between an open space with galley and a real salon on the main deck connected with the external cockpit. The master cabin is spacious and bright, with a bathroom complete with every comfort, proving the completeness of an environment that combines elegance with the daily needs of guests. An idea derived from the high maritime expertise that Cantiere del Pardo boasts, to make customers experience the sea in all its spaces and make the sailing experience satisfying even for the most ambitious owner, thanks to the different options offered. We can therefore say that we have fully embraced a concept where the aesthetics of the forms is never separated from its marine function."

Leveransklar april 2023

Made in Italy extra allt: Nya Pardo GT52

Pardo G52 har premiär under båtmässan i Cannes i september (Foto: Pardo).

Superexklusiva italienska Pardo Yachts lanserade sin nya modell, GT52 under ett exklusivt event i Saint Tropez tidigare i somras. Nu har allmänheten chansen att inspektera skönheten som det anrika italienska varvet Cantiere del Pardo står bakom.

Det italienska varvet Cantiere del Pardo valde Saint Tropez på den franska rivieran för att lansera Pardo Yachts nya modell GT52.

Det var ett mycket exklusivt event med en utvald skara av gäster.

Men nu visar man den nya modellen för en större publik under båtmässan i Cannes den 6-11 september.

För första gången visar Pardo Yachts alla sina modeller (Foto: Pardo Yachts).

Den nya GT52 positionerar sig mellan Pardo Yachts Walkaround- och Enduranceserier.

Den riktar sig till ett segment av köpare som är på jakt efter ännu mer beboeliga och bekväma ytor än vad de nuvarande walkaroundmodellerna erbjuder.

Utöver GT52 kommer man för första gången visa upp alla modeller i ”Pardofamiljen”.

Pardo fokuserar på design


Det nya lyxåket har ett starkt fokus på design (Foto: Pardo).

Den nya motoryachten har ett starkt fokus på design, med futuristiska skrovlinjer och den inverterade fören som är så typisk för Pardofamiljen.

En nyckeldetalj är kontinuiteten mellan interiör och exteriör.

Fönstren mot aktern stiger uppåt, akterdörren är helt öppningsbar och taket är i halvöppet läge.

Pardo Yachts fokuserar på interiören som hålls i hop med exteriören och skapar en kontinuitet på ett elegant sätt.

Man vill åstadkomma en känsla av ytan ombord är i konstant förändring, vilket ska göra yachten mer som ett hem, särskilt under en längre tid ombord.

Minsta lilla yta ombord är designad för att efterlikna en lyxvåning på land.

Interiör och exteriör flyter i hop på ett elegant sätt (Foto: Pardo Yachts).Akterdörren går att öppna i sin helhet (Foto: Pardo Yachts).Två valmöjligheter

I fören finns en stor ägarhytt med tillhörande badrum, och tillräckligt med utrymme att röra sig utan att det känns trångt.

Ombord finns ytterligare en dubbelhytt med badrum samt en hytt för besättning.


En köpare kan välja mellan en layout i två olika utföranden.

Antingen en extra, tredje hytt under däck och ett vardagsrum, eller ett större och väl utrustat kök.

I fören kan tre passagerare sträcka ut sig på solbäddar.

Ytterligare åtta passagerare slipper trängas runt ett bord i aktern, som också kan förvandlas till en stor solbädd.

Akterspegeln är 60 cm längre än på tidigare modeller, vilket gör det lättare att lägga i och ta upp en tender eller vattenskoter, tack vare ett elektrisk system.

Interiören är skapad för att ge känslan av en lyxvåning på land (Foto: Pardo Yachts).En känsla av lyxvåning och inte ett trångt badrum ombord en båt (Foto: Pardo Yachts).Det bästa av ”Made in Italy”

Pardo Yachts såg sitt ljus för mer än 50 år sedan. Design och expertis från båtbyggande har lett till perfektion från skrov till finish.

Företaget konsoliderades senare med varvet Cantiere el Pardo.

Det är i dag ett av världens mest ansedda varv och man designar och producerar lyxyachter med hög kvalité och prestanda – och alltid med stil.


Så där som bara italienare kan.

Utöver Pardo Yachts har man även varumärket Grand Solei i sitt stall, som tillverkar segelyachter sedan 1973.

Här har färdigheter och kunskap gått i arv från generation till generation.

Känslan av genuint hantverk gör att företaget producerar segelbåtar med en märkbar ”Made in Italy”-design.

Numera ingår också holländska Van Dutch i koncernen.

Läs mer om Pardo Yachts och G52 här

Läs även: Vand Dutch 40: En ny ikon i lyxklassen [Dagens PS]

Taggar: Cannes Boating FestivalCantiere PardoLyxyachtMotoryachtPardoyachtsWalkaround

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